And Downtown Needs YOU

We are Downtown.
“We” means you.
“We” means us.
“We” determines the future of Downtown and therefore, the future of Houston.
“We” includes residents, businesses, high-rises, mid-rises, courthouses, holes-in-the-wall, bars, restaurants, sports teams, murals, music venues, parking lots, office buildings, art installations, one-way streets, parks, events, culture, energy, bike shares, bayou landings, visitors, grocery stores, commuters, staycationers, looky-loos, cyclists, singles, couples, families, business folks, leisure folks, rideshare drivers, hospitality workers, street sweepers, maintenance teams, students and dishwashers. “We” includes everyone that, as a collective, makes Downtown, Downtown.
And now is our time to show up and show support.
As we all begin to define our new comfort zones, safely venturing out into the world and feeling the excitement of being physically together again (whenever it’s possible), let’s also find a new lens with which to view Downtown. This is an opportunity to fall in love all over again, admiring the skyline with fresh eyes, perusing the aisles of Phoenicia with a sense of wonder, embracing the luxury of a hotel lobby as if it were our first time, soaking in the grandeur of it all. Because this is our chance to turn gratitude into action. Downtown is waiting.