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Houston, Meet Downtown's Best Friend: Reggie

Q: Are you male or female?
A: I am a male Lagotto Romagnolo who will be turning 4 years old in June.
Q: Who's your celebrity spirit human?
A: There’s nobody quite like me, but if I had to make a celebrity comparison it would be to NBA superstar James Harden – a perfect pick given that our family lives in Houston, loves going to Rockets games and shares a lot of pride in the city. I'm very shy until I get to know you but I'm also incredibly smart, able to learn new tricks in a matter of minutes and blessed with this undeniable cuteness and charisma that draw people in. Like me, Harden is a one-of-a-kind player and personality. You can’t always tell what he’s thinking, but there’s absolutely no doubt about Harden’s greatness on the court and the way he knocks his opponents off balance with speed and skill. Plus, “The Beard” and I both rock some pretty distinctive facial hair!
Q: Describe your parents.
A: My pawrents are the best! They love to travel and take me along everywhere they can, so we’ve had lots of fun adventures together. We’ve rung the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, rolled in the grass at Central Park in New York City, eaten barbecue in Memphis, sunned ourselves on the piers of Charleston, S.C., hiked the trails of Asheville, N.C., and even swam in the ocean in South Beach Miami (my favorite)! Whenever I get nervous or shy, they’re right there to scratch my ears, give me a treat and pick me up and carry me until I feel better. They both have careers that keep them busy, but they always have plenty of quality time – and a warm spot between them in their bed – just for me.
Q: Describe a perfect day in Downtown.
A: Our mornings always begin at Market Square Park! We take a leisurely stroll around the whole park and then make sure to stop at the dog park, where everyone knows each other and I can play with all my furiends. After the park, we cruise over to Minutti Coffee for a Doggie Latte – the baristas there are the best and always give me two! Once we’ve had our coffee, we head back home to Hogg Palace Lofts to change into our workout clothes and running harness before hitting the trail at Buffalo Bayou. Our route is roughly two miles and takes us to Eleanor Tinsley Park and back home again. Then we relax a bit and drop by Local Foods for a late lunch and to enjoy their pet-friendly patio.
Q: When you're a "good dog," where do your parents take you for a treat in Downtown?
A: Doggie Lattes from Minutti Coffee are my favorite weekend treat!
Q: Tell us the weirdest thing you do.
A: I have the weirdest way of greeting my pawrents in the morning, but it always warms their heart and gets their day going just right. As soon as they open their eyes and swing their feet to the floor, I immediately start wildly wagging my tail and head their way for a good-morning hug – even if I'm not quite ready to wake up myself! I’ll also do just about anything for a treat, from dancing salsa to playing dead like a possum.
Q: Let's hear your meet cute. Where did you first meet your parents and know they were "the ones?"
A: I met my dad in a small town in Tennessee while he was on a business trip. He decided to gift me to my mom for her 30th birthday. He knew I was the one because despite my shyness, I approached him with a wagging tail!
Q: Is there a story behind your name?
A: Reggie is short for Reginaldo. When my mom was young and lived in Peru, she often watched Brazilian telenovelas with my grandma and there was one popular actor in many of the soap operas who always caught her attention: Reginaldo Faria. She really liked the way he played his roles and so the name just stuck in her mind. She always said she would name her first dog Reginaldo, and that’s exactly what she did! Reginaldo is a pretty long name, though, so they call me Reggie for short.
Q: How do you like living Downtown?
A: I love living downtown; I've lived here my whole life! I like being able to see so many different and interesting things on our long walks, and the people and dogs we encounter along the way are friendly, kind and welcoming.
Q: Where are your favorite places to dine with your parents and/or where is your favorite place to hang out together?
A: We love to hang at Market Square Park and just people/dog watch. If my pawents want to grab a cocktail for happy hour, Dean’s and Lilly & Bloom always welcome me!
Q: Where is your favorite dog park in Downtown? Tell us what you like about it.
A: Market Square Park is my absolute favorite. It’s close to our home and there’s plenty of space for me to run and play with furiends.
Q: Where do you meet friends? Any particular place great for meeting other pups (or pup parents)?
A: Buffalo Bayou, Market Square Park, Elenor Tinsley Park, Discovery Green, Dean’s, and Lilly & Bloom.
Mentioned in this Post
Dean's Downtown
316 Main St
Market Square Park
301 Milam St
Buffalo Bayou Park
One Main St
Hogg Palace
401 Louisiana St
Local Food
420 Main St
Eleanor Tinsley Park
500 Allen Parkway